What happens at Bendigo?


We raise funds to assist with our operating costs in many ways – raffles, donations, sausage sizzles just to name a few. It is important to the Committee to keep costs for you, the members, to a minimum, and this is one way we can achieve this.
Fundraising enables us to purchase equipment, for example, the tunnels, new agility equipment and other items at the Branch were funded in this manner. If you are able to assist in any way, even by selling a few raffle tickets, you help us all.
Fundraising is always critical to the survival of our club as we work toward a new club facility in the coming years. We welcome all participation and suggestions which might help to achieve our goal.

Equipment Table

We have a well-stocked equipment stall located outside the rooms. Leads, collars, treats, toys, food and training equipment are available at very competitive prices. Any items you require can be ordered if not in stock. Proceeds from all sales go towards our funds.
N.B. – All equipment sold is suitable for GSD’s and is sourced from quality suppliers to ensure you receive value for money and an optimum working life.


We have a number of books and videos belonging to Bendigo, covering a wide range of topics. Please see our Branch Manager for more details.
If you have any requests or recommendations please feel free to talk to a Committee member, we will do our best to help out in this situation and may of course benefit others over the long term.

Social Events

We have several regular social functions both locally and at a state level every year (including Trivia nights, Film nights, Trots dinners, Winery lunches, etc).
We also have information/education evenings where guest speakers are sometimes invited along. Any funds raised from these evenings go towards instructor training or educational materials for the Branch.
We also assist the RSPCA with their an

nual Paws Walk to help raise money and have a team of volunteers attending on the day with demonstrations of basic obedience training and and a fun agility course for members of the public to put their dog through its paces. Not only is this a worthwhile cause but it also highlights our breed as intelligent well trained friendly dogs and not the furry thugs as they are generally perceived.
Every year we assist with the Good Friday – Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal. This involves collecting money in the morning followed by a walk to present the proceeds at the count depot.

Fun Days and games days are organised through the year. Other news of upcoming events is given during announcements before training each week and is published in our German Shepherd News.
From time to time we may train in different venues for a change and we may be called upon from time to time to put on a demo in aid of our Sponsors.

Our Kids

German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria is a kid friendly organisation and members are encouraged to bring their children along and involve them in your dogs training. They get a thrill out of it and you are teaching them to be responsible dog handlers.

Our Newsletter

Our newsletter is called German Shepherd News and is a high quality, very informative newsletter covering most aspects of our favourite breed from Breed Affairs, Show Results, Trial Events and input from the 11 member branches called “Branch Snippets” to name a few of the articles.
It is compiled, edited and published by our Club Editor and is sent to all paid up members 8 times per year at no extra cost.
German Shepherd News has recently gone high tech with and abridged version available on line.
Our Branch Snippets are a news article specific to Bendigo, to keep members informed of what is happening within our branch. It also highlights to the rest of our German Shepherd community of what we are doing.


Hot and cold food and beverages are available from our canteen staffed by our friendly Volunteers. Please check the prices with the staff and be assured any profits made from this enterprise go straight in to club funds.
Orders can be made before training to ensure your desires are met.